Ethics, according to the Merriam-websters dictionary, is a set of moral principles—a theory or system of moral values.[1] And for the Philippine National Police(PNP) it is the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. It is our guiding principle as we conduct our service to the Pilipino people.
“By the nature of the job of law enforcement, one can conclude that there are many occasions when a police officer can face up to a moral dilemma. The question is when will an officer be faced with one? Throughout an officer’s career, He has referred to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics which is a code that represents everything that a police officer should be.”[2]
The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics refers to the moral principles and values that guide the behavior of individuals and organizations in the criminal justice system. These principles include honesty, integrity, fairness, and accountability, and they are essential for maintaining public trust in law enforcement. Some key ethical issues that may arise in law enforcement include the use of force, discrimination, corruption, and privacy. It is important for law enforcement agencies to have policies and procedures in place to address these issues and to provide training and education on ethical behavior for officers. Additionally, independent oversight and accountability mechanisms, such as internal affairs departments and citizen review boards, can play a critical role in ensuring that officers conduct themselves ethically.
Having this Law Enforcement Code of Ethics is useless without a leader who will see to its implementation religiously. Ethical leaders in law enforcement must be willing to hold themselves and their subordinates accountable to the highest standards of conduct. This includes being transparent in their decision-making process and communicating clearly and openly with the community they serve. They should also be willing to admit mistakes and take responsibility for their actions.
In addition, ethical leaders should seek to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within their organizations, and should work to eliminate discrimination and bias in all forms. They should also promote community policing and other strategies that build trust and strengthen relationships between law enforcement and the community. Ethical leaders are essential in maintaining public trust and building a culture of integrity and accountability within an organization like the PNP.
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve the community; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all to liberty, equality, and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to me or to my agency. I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed both in my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the law and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice.
I know that I alone am responsible for my own standard of professional performance and will take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence.
I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession… law enforcement.[3]
[1] Ethic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2023, from [2] Law Enforcement Code of Ethics for Police Officers. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2023, from [3] Law Enforcement Code of Ethics for Police Officers. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2023, from