Anyone wishing to successfully transition into a new leadership position should read Michael Watkins' book "The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels." The book lays the groundwork for long-term success and offers a path for navigating the crucial first three months of a new leadership position. As the book puts it, “The actions you take during your first few months in a new role will largely determine whether you succeed or fail.”[1]
According to the book, before drafting a 90-day plan, it is essential to assess one's own strengths and weaknesses in relation to the demands of the new work. The likelihood of success is increased and the transition is made easier and faster by connecting existing abilities to the details of the new role. It is crucial to keep in mind that what first appears to be a strength may occasionally be seen as a weakness in a new role. Although being meticulous may have been a strength in a previous position, it can be viewed as micromanagement and cause resentment. Once a person's strengths and weaknesses have been discovered and their impact has been assessed, it is important to develop a plan for bridging any skill gaps and honing existing abilities.
The author did a great job of outlining the crucial components of a successful transition, such as creating priorities that are clear, developing connections, and developing a genuine and assured presence. Additionally, he offers helpful advice and techniques for creating a winning plan, leading and motivating a team, and successfully managing change.
Once a plan for success has been established, it is time to capture that crucial first victory. Based on the analysis of the scenario, this quick win should be properly planned. Any modifications must take into account both the people who will be affected by them and those who will not, as well as how they will affect the department's or company's general atmosphere. Gaining support and laying the groundwork for acceptance and trust are the objectives here.
After the foundation is established, it is time to assemble a productive team. Future success in any position will necessitate a talented and driven team with a shared vision. The only way to create this team is to assess the members of the existing team and be prepared to make the required decisions. These changes, such as potential promotions or firing someone, must be handled sensitively to maintain morale. It is crucial to establish roles and expectations when the new team comes together and how they relate to a shared goal.
The focus placed in this book on the value of planning and preparation makes it unique. Watkins emphasizes the importance of building a solid reputation and laying the groundwork for success within the first 90 days of a new position. Similar to what our Director, PMGen Eric E Noble, had set for himself as he assumed office here at the Philippine National Police Academy. And surely, the Director's first 90 days in office defined his ideal for the Academy. As we ourselves start our careers as young police lieutenants of the Philippine National Police, we must be able to distinguish ourselves from other officers as graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy with the values of Justice, Integrity and Service.
This book is a great resource for anyone trying to go into a new leadership position successfully and leaving a lasting impression.
[1] Watkins M. D. (2013). The first 90 days : proven strategies for getting up to speed faster and smarter (Updated and expanded [ed.]). Harvard business review Press.
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