Thanks to one of our previous tactical officers, then FSINSP Reeven Ryan Corbilla Bolito, who introduced us to this amazing book about leadership. He encouraged us to download the audiobook version and listen to it then write a reflection paper about the book. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell has become a well-known and respected work on leadership. The book proposes 21 fundamental principles for effective leadership and offers helpful advice and case studies to assist readers in applying these ideas to their own lives and leadership philosophies.
The book's straightforward writing style, which makes it simple for readers to comprehend and apply the information offered, is one of its strong points. To illustrate how these principles might be used in diverse contexts, the author also draws on a wealth of personal experience and insight.
"Everything rises and falls on leadership," is one of the book's primary themes. Governments, schools, churches, and other organizations all depend on their leaders to function effectively. The fact that great leadership is built on serving others rather than focusing on winning others over, as Jesus did with the Pharisees in the Bible, is one thing it really emphasized.
Serving others is the key to gaining influence. John Maxwell also stated that “Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less."[1] This book has the power to change your life and is an excellent investment whether or not you are presently in a leadership position because you will undoubtedly be required to lead others at some point in the future.
On important facets of leadership, such as vision, influence, teamwork, and communication, Maxwell offers useful and actionable counsel. He stresses the value of building a solid character as well as the necessity of continuing to evolve and learn as a leader. Anyone wishing to advance their leadership abilities, whether they are just starting out or are already in a leadership position, should read this book.
The book's emphasis on timeless leadership concepts is one of its other strong points. The principles Maxwell outlines provide a thorough framework for leadership that may be used in any situation rather than being confined to a particular period or location. Contrary to popular belief that leaders are just born, anyone may master the skills necessary to become a leader. Anyone can learn how to be a great leader and have an impact on the people in their circle of influence. This is what the Philippine National Police Academy is for, molding future leaders to learn today and lead tomorrow. Leadership is not only for the chosen few, but for the few who chose to lead.
For everyone interested in leadership and personal development, "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" is a must-read or in my case a must-hear. It is a thorough and easy-to-read manual that offers a strong foundation for effective leadership and will undoubtedly be a useful resource for years to come.
[1] Maxwell J. C. (2007). The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership workbook revised and updated. HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Retrieved February 13 2023 from