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Writer's pictureClark Kent Oliano

All for One, One for All

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Personnel of Solano Police Station lead by PMAJ ANTHONY CHINAYOG AYUNGO

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12, NIV:

This assertion is based on a passage in the Bible, the apostle Paul compares the church to a human body to show the diversity and unity of its members. He is trying to convey the point that, just as the various components of a body come together to form a whole and serve a function, so too must church members put aside their differences and work in unison to carry out the church's goal.

Paul highlights that each member of the body has a specific role to play and a valuable contribution to make, but he also emphasizes that each member is equally significant and required. This implies that no one member is more significant or useful than another and that for the church to fulfill its objective, all members must cooperate peacefully. In this way, the body metaphor emphasizes the interconnectedness and unity of a variety of ideas that are essential to the Christian understanding of the church as the body of Christ.

The Philippine National Police Organization has the same principle and mechanism for its structural function to be effective and fully efficient. The PNP Organizational Structure is very broad and hierarchical in nature. It is composed of 11 Directorial Staff, with 14 Administrative Support Units and 15 Operational Support Units including the Regional, Provincial, City, and Municipal Police Offices. [1] All these different departments or sections in the organization must work together, showing diversity and unity at the same time for the organization to be able to move forward.

When people collaborate, they can use their resources, expertise, and ideas to accomplish a common objective. This frequently results in enhanced productivity and effectiveness in carrying out activities and achieving desired results. It can also influence an organization in finding better solutions to problems and overcoming obstacles by utilizing the different viewpoints and experiences of its members. When people come together and respect one another's differences, they develop stronger links and a sense of belongingness to the organization and its goals.

These advantages are particularly apparent and significant in the context of a church organization because the goal of the institution is to unite individuals in a community based on love and faith. But it is not limited to church organization only nor is it impossible for a community to aspire and achieve. Any organization, therefore including the church, must work together, embrace diversity, and uphold unity among its members in order to fulfill its mission and set goals, forge better bonds with others and the community, and foster a more welcoming or amicable image.

[1] ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE | PNP. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2023, from

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